EXPAT CINEMA is our monthly screening of a brand-new non-English arthouse film with English subtitles.
After the festivie kick-off with Drunk/Another Round we’re happy to give you the opportunity to watch a classic on the big screen, fully restored in 4K: In the Mood for Love, by Wong Kar-Wai! Screening is on Tuesday the 27th of July, tickets are available via this link.
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Boodschap voor de niet-expats: In the Mood for Love speelt vanaf 21 juli dagelijks in Cinema Lumière – Antwerpen, mét Nederlands-Franse ondertitels. Meer nog: de stadsbioscoop in het FOMU zet ook 4 andere digitaal gerestaureerde films in 4K van Wong Kar-Wai op het programma: 2046, Chungking Express, Fallen Angels, Happy Together. Allen daarheen dus!